英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 19:09:12
  • 英英释义

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1. try very hard to do something

Synonym: be at pains

1. 尽力,努力,下苦功:keep pace with 与...齐步前进 . | take pains 尽力,努力,下苦功 . | in part 在某种程度上;部份地 .


2. 努力,尽力,下苦功:take one's time不着急,不着慌 | take pains努力,尽力,下苦功 | take place发生,进行,举行

3. take pains在线翻译

3. 尽务,煞费苦心:take over / / 接管,接办 | take pains / / 尽务,煞费苦心 | take part in / / 参加

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

If you're very determined to make something and take pains, you can be pretty sure that you're already half-way there to make your dream into a reality.(如果你下定决心成就某件事,并为此付出辛苦的汗水,那可以肯定你的梦想已经实现了一半。)
The painter was unhappy, I take pains to paint them.(画家很不高兴:我煞费苦心来画它们。)
Managers used to update investors quarterly only to inform them of the fund’s performance; now they take pains to explain the fund’s strategy.(经理过去按季度向投资者提供最新信息,只告知投资者基金的业绩;现在,经理煞费苦心地解释基金的策略。)
Never imitate consciously, but do not worry about being an imitator; take pains instead to admire what is good.(决不能有意识地模仿,儿也不要因为自己成为模仿者担心;与其空头欣羡不如下一番苦心。)
I advocate that all of us should take pains to protect our environment and we will lead a better life.(我认为我们都应该尽力保护我们的环境,这样我们会过上更好的生活。)
The going may get tougher but as we take pains to point out, it will all be turned around much quicker than you can imagine.(进度由于我们煞费苦心的指出,将会比你们想像的更快速的转变。)
So before they attempt to exert influence, executives should take pains to establish their own expertise and not assume that it's self-evident.(因此,在试图发挥影响力之前,经理人应该努力确立自己的专家信誉,不要认为这是不言而喻的。)
Successful are those who are willing to take pains.(成功的人都是那些肯努力的人。)
Take pains to present a smart, efficient appearance.(要尽力表现出聪明能干的样子。)
Both Sony and Philips have 802.11 and Bluetooth products, so they take pains to insist their standard would compliment the more established wireless networks.(索尼公司和飞利浦公司拥有802.11和蓝牙产品,因此,他们着力坚持自己的标准,可实现优势较具规模的无线网络。)
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